Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Play Ball!

This past Saturday was a day that I both looked forward to and dreaded at the same time. It was Jamboree Day at Mim's Park. The opening day of ball season. It was a very beautiful but very long day. It was also a much anticipated day at our house. This year, not one, but both boys are playing t-ball. This is big. Nathan played last year and had a good time. Even with just one child playing, Jamboree Day is long. But now, Luke is playing too. This is new for us. This is big. Our child with autism is playing t-ball with typical kids. So Jamboree Day is even longer this year and full of all sorts of uncertainties. How will Luke handle all of this? How will we handle this? Will he make it through the game or will it just be too much for him? I don't know, I don't know, and I don't know. Am I nervous? Is this scary? Am I afraid? Yes, yes, and yes. Goal of the day: try to have fun... and survive.

Our day started early: 7:15 a.m. Luke's team had pictures made first thing that morning which was a good thing considering that his team, the Yankees, are in white pants. It may be the only time we have a picture with his pants so white! Then opening ceremonies began at 8:00 a.m. All the teams were called out on the field, the national anthem was sang, then "play ball!" was announced on the speaker. Well, so far so good.

Luke's game started at 9:15 a.m. He was excited, I think. Sometimes it is hard to tell. He went out on the field with Roger. Great thing about the 4 year old league is that parents are welcome on the field (and needed) to help instruct the little ones as each hitter comes to the plate. Luke mostly stood there with Roger and watched as his team mates tackled each other to get the ball and by then, the runner had long since made it to first base. He was more of an observer but that was ok for me. He was out there and he wasn't crying. When it was his team's turn to bat, he waited patiently for his turn, then went out there, and with instruction from Coach Shawn, he hit the ball! It was a pretty good hit too! He ran with a smile on his face to first base. He eventually made it all the way around the bases. Success! It was great to see him participate! He looked so happy. Then, he had to go back on the field. He was growing tired and I could see Roger was having to work more with him to try to get him to stay on the field. By then, it was almost 10:00 a.m. and the activities of the morning were wearing on him. He made it to the dugout with his team but by the time it was his turn to bat, he had basically had enough. He cried and cried. He kept saying "pee-sa" over and over. I couldn't figure it out then I looked outside the fence and saw Nathan drinking a Capri-Sun and realized Luke wanted one too. I tried to bribe him to go bat while I got his drink but it was no use. He was too upset and tired to continue. He finished the game sitting in the shade, watching his team, and drinking a Capri-Sun.

Next, I hurried off to fulfill my one hour obligatory concession stand duty then back to the field for Nathan's team pictures at 11:15. Luke was happy playing with Gran and eating snacks so attending to Nathan's team schedule went a little more smoothly. We had a short break which meant grabbing a quick lunch then back to the field by 1:30 for Nathan's game. Nathan did great and his team looked great. It was neat to see the progress he has made since last year. He had a good time and his team "unoffically" won - since Jamboree games don't count on the schedule. We were almost finished with the big day. Nathan told me how tired he was after the game. "Yes! We can go home and rest!" or so I thought. He reminded me that he still had one more thing to do that day: go to his good friend's birthday party. I should have previously added that Nathan had been sick most of the week prior to Jamboree and woke up at 5:00 a.m. that morning crying with an ear ache. I thought for sure we were done. Everyone was tired. But, we had just one more thing.

We went home long enough to change clothes and then headed out again for the party. Nathan had a great time with his friends and I am so glad we went. It did not matter that I was ready to fall out on the floor at Pump It Up. I had a chance to sit for a while and visit with friends while my big boy had fun with his friends. It was nice. So the day is over, right? Almost. We got home, got the boys cleaned up and into bed. Then, I headed back out to borrow some ear drops from my sweet friend just in case an overnight earache came back to haunt us. She saved me a trip to an urgent care clinic and 24 hour pharmacy. (Thanks Hope!). Then I crashed into bed. Ahhhhh....

We made it through the day. It was a long day filled with new memories and new possibilities. Luke is playing t-ball and making new friends. Nathan is playing t-ball even better than last year and he is making new friends too. Roger and I are once again out of our comfort zone and we are learning more about life and ourselves through the simple (or not so simple) game of t-ball. Maybe we will make some new friends too. Here's to a new season!

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