Tuesday, May 17, 2011

To blog or not to blog? That WAS the question

I am offically a blogger.  Not sure what I think about it yet.  Not even sure what I will write, how often I will write or how long it will be.  It may have occasional grammatical errors or mispelled words -(happens when my thoughts start moving too fast and the auto correct sneaks up on me!)  So, if you follow this blog, please read with an open mind because I will simply be writing from my heart, errors and all!

So, what is in a name?  How do you title a blog about life, autism, kids, family?  That was a difficult one.  "The (Mis)Adventures of the Broomes" was one thought. "Autism Stinks" was another.  "Life on this Side" seemed to fit best (and it sounded better than "Where is my Advil!").  When I refer to "this side", I am speaking more about "this side" of eternity rather than "this side" of autism, but both can be inferred because while I am on this earth, autism is with me.  My precious Luke was dianosed with it in August of 2010 and my life changed forever, not to mention the lives of my husband, Roger,  and oldest son, Nathan.  In this blog , I will try to share what this has been like for us thus far and what we deal with on a regular basis.  Not all will be about autism because our lives are more than just that.  I want to share this journey with others in hopes of increasing awareness and understanding.  It may prove to be therapeutic for me as well.  It is often hard to put into words what this is like but I will certainly try.  I will also try to share information about autism from other blogs that I follow. Autism can be a lonely world, and unless you have a child with autism, then fully understanding it is near impossible. I am not sure that I fully understand it.  I hope to share my joys and struggles with you so that you can get a glimpse into my life.  Maybe it will prompt to you to whisper a prayer for us or encourage others you might know dealing with similar issues.  God has been so merciful and gracious to me and my family.  He is teaching me more and more each day, not just through His Word, but through parenting and autism.  Is what I have to say important?  I don't know.  But I will say it and leave that observation to you. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so thankful that you are opening up your life and sharing with others. Many people will be blessed :)
