Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Can I get a translator, a referee, and a couple of Advil, please?

The boys and I have had a great few days visiting with family. We still have one more day before heading home. Luke has been out of his routine for several days now. It is starting to show.

Nathan and Luke are early risers. They always have been. But, from the time their little feet hit the floor, I knew it was going to be a long day, in more ways than one. Lots of tears and screaming (Luke, not me). No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out what he was trying to tell me. I only knew he was upset. His screaming wasn't about wanting a toy his brother had. It wasn't about wanting to eat. It wasn't about needing a clean pull up. I had taken care of all of that but he was still upset. I tried using sign language and pointing. Usually, when I ask Luke to "show me," he will take me to what he needs or wants. Nothing helped. Nothing made him happy. He and his brother were acting like brothers and were at odds over everything. Luke was still the one screaming but, by then, I was in tears too.

So, after trying to make the most of a crazy morning, what do I do? Try to take it easy? No. We pile in the car and go to Chick Fil A for lunch. Doesn't that make everything better? It went ok. Just a few stares our way this time. The boys had a little fun in the play area there and it was a relief to have a normal moment in the midst of a not-so-normal day. On the way home, Luke finally crashed. He was tired. We all were tired and naps came easily for the boys (and for myself). No one really fought sleep today. It was much needed and, even if it only helped a little, it still helped. Luke was still out of sorts but the screaming was somewhat better. It then became about getting through a fussy afternoon and making it until bedtime. After lots of playtime, including fun in the kiddie pool and in the newly created mud puddles that were formed by all the splashing, the boys and I made it to bedtime! Woo hoo!

To say that it has been an exhausting, frustrating day is an understatement. It must be so frustrating for Luke. It try to imagine what it is like to try to communicate and have no one understand you. Sometimes, I feel like that and I can speak. How much more difficult for him? It simply breaks my heart for my little guy.

I am so thankful for my family. My mother, especially today, has helped my in a tremendous way just by being here. Both she and my dad are coming to realize the day to day stress that me and my family face right now. We are blessed to have supportive family on both sides that love and pray for us. I personally don't know what I would do without them. My mother (so kind and so brave) is sending me out tomorrow for some "me" time ( aka "mental health" time)and I am terrible excited. Good coffee is in my sights. Maybe work on the blog. Maybe even a movie - no chick flick though. Need something with no emotional highs and lows. Maybe action. Who knows? I am so looking forward to this before heading home on Friday.

I apologize if this post had been a little on the whiny side. It has just been a tough day, physically and emotionally. My words probably don't accurately convey how tough. But, tomorrow is a new day. I lean on the promise that God's mercies are new every morning. They always are, without fail. I know His grace is sufficient for all that He has prepared for me. I am so thankful for these truths! I need reminding of them daily. God, please give me wisdom and strength. I am in need.


  1. Oh Donna, I wish that I could say that I don't have days like this myself. Even with two "normal" kids I feel myself some days just trying to make it to bedtime. I can relate to your last paragraph, as I am in great need as well. I am praying for you and sometimes when I get frustrated with my kids, I think of you and the patience you need daily. Hope you enjoy your quiet time today!

  2. Thank you stephanie ! I know everyone has their tough days. I wasn't even sure j should post. A bit of a pity party, I guess. I am way to good at those ! I have such a helpless feeling when Luke is having a day like today. I know God is with us, I just want to understand Luke and ease his frustration. Thank you for following the blog. Thank you for your prayers even more! We are truly all in need.

  3. Sometimes we are not honest about the struggles we have because we think as christians we are supposed to overcome immediately or because we sound like we want pity. I am so thankful for the people that are honest in their struggles. I read a great article about how we should communicate while in the struggle instead of waiting until we have victory because in doing so we help others that are struggling at the same time. How Christ is glorified when we say that He is rescuing us daily from the pain of the fallen world! As children of the King we have the honor of saying that we are failing miserably and He is daily giving us grace and rescuing us.
