Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Three years with Autism

Three years. It has already been three years since we heard the words "Your son has autism."  It seems like it all happened just yesterday.  I remember the tears. I remember the fears.  I remember the questions.  I remember the overwhelming sadness.   "Not my son. It can't be." All I knew was what my reality was for that time in my life. I couldn't get out of the box I was in.  In no way could I have imagined that we would be here, right where we are, at this point in the game. I couldn't have imagined the progress we have seen in Luke.  I knew God was in control, but still felt paralyzed at times because I didn't know how to help my sweet boy.   I just had no idea.

Fast forward three years.  Where did the time go? Luke is 5 years old now and he is getting so big!  He has made amazing progress.  His speech continues to improve.  He can sing the sweetest "Twinkle, twinkle little star" you have ever heard.  He loves going to school and playing with his friends.  When I ask him about his day and who he played with, he may tell me any number of friends in his class.  Some have autism, some are typical.  Some are verbal, some are nonverbal.  He loves playing with them all!  I love that.  He doesn't care if they are different and he doesn't let his differences keep him away either.  He is learning to match quantities and he can count to 30.  He can write his name! He is playing soccer now and loves being on a team. I could go on....

And I have to share this: Last night, Luke asked me to lay down beside him for a few minutes at bedtime. ( It is hard to say no to his sweet request. )  He turned on his dream lite and watched the ceiling light up with stars.  I saw his sweet face light up too.  He would point up and just say "look" and smile with the cutest dimples ever. Then, he would snuggle next to me.  He was so very aware and in wonder of the stars and so many things around him.  I wanted to freeze that moment and simply enjoy it.  I will always treasure those times.  I love to see him in awe of things around him.    It is in those times, I  try to point him to our loving God and Creator who made all of these things he loves so much.  I pray that it sinks in to his precious heart.  Life is a gift.  He is a gift.  Oh, to see through the eyes of a child!  Especially one who experiences life differently than so many of us.

Luke lost his first tooth last month!

We still have many mountians to climb but Luke has come so far.  And by God's grace, our family has too.  God has been so good to guide us to amazing teachers and therapists who have helped Luke and our family so much.  We have truly been blessed and we are honored to be on this ride with Luke.  God is using it in big ways in our lives. We praise Him for His sanctifying work.  We still shed tears. We still fight fears. We still have questions.  But we know WHO is over it all! We have so much hope for Luke's future. We know God has big plans and we pray that He is glorified in and through our sweet boy - well, actually both of our sweet boys!

Luke and Nathan on their first day of soccer games
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Celebrating three years with thankfulness and praise!

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