This is a pretty miscellaneous post. My mind has been working in a pretty miscellaneous way. This was written last night while my mind was going at 90 mph and wouldn't let me rest, mostly because of medication that I thought would help me sleep! Let me explain.
About a month ago, me and four of my super cool gal pals ran in the Gulf Coast Half Marathon at Pensacola Beach. It was quite the adventure just to get there. We started training in January and things went pretty well with a minor cold or two to interrupt a few training days. About a week and a half before the race my training came to a halt. My husband came home from work not feeling well and felt bad for a few days. Then Nathan started coughing and spiked a fever the weekend before the race. The next day, Luke started up. I just wrote it off as one of those colds that kids get. So much of it has been going around. By mid week, fevers were still there and the cough had not gone away. I started getting congested and things weren't looking so good. I was 4 days away from the race I had been working towards for three months. I took the boys to the doc and because Luke was the last to develop symptoms, the doc wanted to test him for the flu. I didn't even think it could be the flu. They both received the flu mist vaccine in January. Guess what? They had the flu. I was on my way there too. I headed to an urgent care clinic and my test for the flu was negative at the time but because my exposure to it was so high, the doc gave me Tamiflu. I told her about my race and, being a runner herself, she said I should be feeling better in a couple of days and should be able to race. My stamina wouldn't be as good nor would my time, but I should be able to complete it. So I listened to her and took my meds. She was right. I was tired from about 8 miles to the finish. It was a very warm morning. My muscles were tightening up and my stride shortening. I was hydrating at every water and gatorade station to keep going. And I did. I crossed the line. The clock said 2:26 and my official chip time was 2:2507. It's not what I hope for but I will take it. I finished! At that point, I was just glad to finish given the circumstances of the previous weeks.
Since the race, I have been so tired. It has been very busy around here with school activities, t-ball games/ practices, autism awareness events, etc. But, I have been more tired than the average bear. And, I have been having trouble with chest congestion and some coughing on and off since then. I just thought it was allergies. Finally, I went to the doctor yesterday, after a couple of rough nights of coughing with very little rest. I now know why I have been feeling so bad. I have bronchitis and walking pneumonia. That explains a lot. The gave me a steroid shot, a z-pack, and some hydrocodone syrup for my cough at night. The syrup is supposed to make me drowsy, at least that is what the package says. Instead, I was more relaxed, but could hardly rest. My mind was so busy and I couldn't make it stop. That's how this post came to be. I thought if I could just write it down, get it out of my head, maybe I could sleep. Good luck on that one! On the plus side, it is helping with my cough. On the down side, as soon as I get these thoughts out, new ones come to mind. I think I could write a short book on miscellaneous ramblings right now. No kidding!
Next: sports. The t-ball season just ended this past week and it was a great one. I will have to post on this separately sometime. Luke made it through his first season and made really good progress. It was a little rocky in the beginning but he got the hang of it. I think he is going to miss it. He likes to wear his jersey and he is proud to tell anyone who asks about his team that he is a "Ank-ee" (Yankee). Nathan played on the Pirates and had a great year. He made some really good progress as well. He had fun and made some new friends which is what it is all about. His team just missed being in the championship by one game. They finished in 3rd place in regular season and in play-offs. It was tiring but fun. Maybe I will post more on this later. Who knows? If I try the hydrocodone again, the post may come sooner than later!
My mind then went to my boys, where it so often ends up. The school year is coming to an end for Nathan next week. On May 25, he will be graduating from kindergarten! Sniffle, sniffle :,) Getting a little teary already. I think back to when he was born so early and those early weeks of his life. We didn't know if he would even make it home with us from the hospital. He was so sick. God had different plans. He is doing so well. He is a bright, inquisitive, energetic little guy. He is healthy, funny, and has the memory of an elephant. Seriously. It's scary. He remembers numbers and dates like I haven't seen before. He remembers the names of kids he met at the park 2-3 years ago that he only met once and maybe threw the ball with a couple of times. I remember the occasion but don't ask me their names. Ask him though. He knows. He is amazing. Then there is Luke. He will be going to school throughout the summer but I think back to this school year and how far he has come. He is amazing too! He is a happy little fellow for the most part. He has friends, smiles a lot, has a contagious laugh, and gives the best hugs. He is talking so much too! Much is still unintelligible, but we can understand so much more now! He is working so hard. He has a program that he does with the teachers at school and then we carry over at home. Things such as assembling puzzles, replicating block designs by looking at cards, recognizing letters of the alphabet, repeating 2 syllable words, and identifying common objects and parts of objects in pictures. Right now, he is working on identifying parts of a computer including the screen, mouse, and keyboard. He is also now able to identify parts of a sink including the faucet and hot/ cold knobs. So there, I just threw in the kitchen sink! Or in this case, I think it was a picture of a bathroom sink. Same thing.
Hoping to rest now. Thanks for reading my ramblings. I will let you know when the book comes out :-)