Friday, November 25, 2011

In Everything Give Thanks

"In everything give thanks..." First Thessalonians 5:18. That verse is on the wall in my dining area. This is the time of year that we set aside for giving thanks. It is not so hard to do when you give it a little thought and things are going well. I have so much to be thankful for in my life...a gracious Heavenly Father, salvation in Christ, a loving husband, two precious boys, freedom, a home, food, clothing...the list could go on and on. I am blessed beyond measure.

Last week, both Nathan and Luke were in Thanksgiving programs at their schools. Nathan's program was so sweet. I couldn't have been more proud of him. He was so nervous because he had to tell about something he is thankful for and he had to do so in front of a room full of people. Once it came his turn to speak, he did great! Not even a hint of nervousness in his voice. And what he said brought a big smile to my face. He said, " Good morning. My name is Nathan and I am thankful for my brother playing with me." There was a time when Luke didn't play with Nathan, or anyone else for that matter. He was content to play by himself. He didn't know how to interact and play with his peers. He has made so much progress and now Nathan has a "little buddy" to play with. He came up with what he was going to say all by himself. He could have said his favorite friend, or food, or toy. Any of these would have been fine. But, he recognizes Luke's progress and is thankful for his brother. I am thankful too! He is a compassionate big brother!

Luke's program was special too. The three classes joined together to sing a few songs in front of many smiling faces. As I have said in a past post, I think these programs are as much for the parents as they are for the kids. It is so nice to see Luke participate in something that other kids do. The kids followed their teacher's direction, stood in front of a crowd, sang, and did movements to the songs. This is not always easy with typical kids, much less kids with special needs. Although Luke couldn't sing all the words, he could do some of the movements and he didn't run to me when he saw me but stayed with his class until it was time to sit with me. That is pretty big. It is encouraging to see his progress, up on stage, just being a kid with his friends. He "fit in." It was nice.

It is easy to be thankful when it's all good and things are going smoothly. But, First Thessalonians 5:18 says "In everything give thanks..." EVERYTHING. Not just when it's all good. That is not always easy. As I look back over the year, I can't say that I have always been thankful. I have whined. I have complained. I have thrown pity parties. I have wished everything was easier. I wanted autism to go away. I wanted to wake up from a dream and everything be better. I wanted to know the answers to the hard questions. I have been selfish. I have gone my own way at times and made many mistakes. I have much too often been anything but thankful. But this year, more than ever, I have so much to be thankful for. Even autism. Yea, sounds weird. (See previous post on "It's a Love-Don't Love kinda thing" (5-18-11) for a better explanation.) God has opened many doors, even as it relates to increasing autism awareness. He has stunned me with His love, forgiveness, and mercy. His grace has truly amazed me. I so often take for granted the blessings that He has given me. Even in difficult times, He has gone before me and used these challenges in a mighty way. It's so hard to be thankful in the midst of adversity. I can tell you, it is impossible without the hope that is found in Christ. I am so very thankful for the hope I have in Him. I know that nothing comes into my life or the lives of my family members that has not first been filtered through my Heavenly Father's loving hands. I know He has a purpose for it all. (Romans 8:28). I can be thankful for that. I am glad I don't know what the future holds, but I am glad that I know Who holds the future. (Jeremiah 29:11). I can be thankful for that too. I want thanksgiving to be a characteristic of my life, not just a holiday I celebrate once a year.

There is an old song that is called "Thank you Lord for your blessings on me" that I remember from childhood. I haven't heard it in a long time. Some of the words : "There's a roof up above me. I've a good place to sleep. There's food on my table and shoes on my feet. You gave me your love Lord and a fine family. Thank you Lord, for your blessings on me."

I have been abundantly blessed. Thank you Lord for your blessings on me.